MS WORD 2016
Define about Package:-There are two types of package-
CUI based package-(Character user interface) such package in which mouse facility is not available is called CUI based package.
GUI based package– (Graphical user interface) such package in which mouse facility is available is called GUI based package.
MS Word is the GUI Based Package in this package Mouse Facilities are available.MS Word is the best package in MS- Office. In this package you can do different types of work related office.
How to open MS- Word?
Click on start/All programs/MS- Word 2016
Double click on icon of MS-Word 2016 Press Window + R and type WinWord and press Enter key.
Introduction of Ms Word
Title Bar
Tool Bars
Menu Bar
Task Bar
File Menu
How to get New Document?There are four methods to get New Document:-
Click on File/New/blank Document
Ctrl +N
Alt +F+N+L
Symbol of New document
How to open any old file?
There are five methods to open any file:-
Click on File/Open
Ctrl +O
Press Alt +F+O
Click on symbol of open
Press Ctrl +F12
What is the function of Save?
There are two works of Save:-
To save any other text or object in old file.
Process- open any old file and write some text or draw any object after that save it for any method.
To save current file.
Process- Open new document and write some text or draw any object after that save it in this way
Click on file/Save
Press Ctrl +S
Press Alt +F+S
Shift +F12
Symbol of save
Alt +Shift +F2
How to protect Document?
Open any file
Click on File/Info/Protect document/ Encrypt with password.
Type appropriate password and click on ok.
What is the function of Save as?
By the help of save as, you can make Duplicate file from original file.
Open any old file
Click on file/Save as
Choose drive
Type another name in file name box
And click on save.
How to get Print out of any document?
First of all, open any file
Press Ctrl +P or Click on file/Print
Choose Printers name ad adjust the properties of printer
Put No. of Copy
In the setting option adjust all appropriate setting to get print out after the click on print.
How to close any file?
There are four methods to close any file.
File /Close
Press Ctrl+W
Ctrl +F4
Press Alt +F+C
Write about option.
Option is an important setting of document.
Home Menu
How to cut any text or object?First of all, select the required text or object.
After selection, we have cut any text or object for four methods-
Click on symbol of cut
Ctrl +X
Right click on selected area/cut
Press short cut key and click on cut.
How to copy any text or object?
First of all, select the required text or object.
After selection, we have copy any text or object for four methods-
Click on symbol of copy.
Ctrl +C
Right click on selected area/copy.
Press short cut key and click on copy.
How to Paste any cut or Copied text or object?
First of all, place the cursor at the required position after that I shall paste any text or object for four methods-
Click on paste
Ctrl +V
Right click at cursor position and click on paste
Press short cut key and click on paste.
What is function of paste special?
By the paste special you can paste any cut or copied text or object from another package into current package.
What is the function of Format Painter?
By the help of Format painter, you can apply the same effect from one to another.
What is function of Office Clipboard?
In the Office Clipboard, you can store cut or copied text or object and paste it at the cursor position.
How to change the font of text?
First of all, select the required text after that click on bullet of font now choose appropriate font from given list and click on it. You can also change the font by help of Ctrl +D.
How to increase or decrease the font size?
First of all, Select the required text after that; There are four methods to increase or decrease the font size-
Click on Font size bullet and choose any one after that click on it.
By the help of Grow Font or shrink font you can increase or decrease font size.
With the help of Ctrl +] and Ctrl + [.
With the help of Ctrl +> and Ctrl +<.
How to change the case of Written Text?
First of all, select the required text after that click on change case bullet now choose any one case from given list and click on it. By the help of shift +F3 you can also change the case of written text.
How to remove all extra effects on the text?
By the help of Clear All Formatting you can remove the all extra effects on the text.
How to make Bold?
First of all, select the text after that click on symbol of Bold or Press Crtl + B.
How to make Italic?
First of all, select the text after click on symbol of Italic or Press Ctrl +I
How to apply Underline and how to change its color?
First of all, select the text after that choose underline style or underline color from given option after that click on it.
What is the function of strikethrough?
By the help of strikethrough, you can draw a line through the middle of the selected text.
What is the function of Subscript?
By the help of it you can write very small letters just below the line of text.
What is the function of Superscript?
By the help of it you can write very small letters just above the line of text.
What is the function of Text Effect?
By the help of Text Effect you can apply some extra effect to the text such as; shadow or glow.
What is the function of Highlight color?
By the Highlight color you can highlight the select text as per required color.
What is the function of Font Color?
By the help of it you can change the color of text.
Write about the Font Chart?
In the Font chart, you can change the Font, Font style, Font Size, Font Color, Underline style, Underline color.
By the Font chart you can also apply the effect of strikethrough, Double
strikethrough, superscript, subscript, small caps and all caps.
How to apply Bullet or Number?
First of all, write some paragraph after that select it now choose any one bullet or number from given options after that click on it.
What is the function Increase Indent?
By the help of it you can move the text in direction of left to right.
What is the function of Decrease Indent?
By the help of it you can move the text in direction of right to left.
How to arrange Paragraph in Ascending or Descending order?
First of all, select the required paragraph after that click on Sort option now choose Ascending or Descending order from give option after that click on ok.
Write about Alignment.
There are four Alignment – Left alignment, Right alignment, Top alignment and bottom alignment.
Write about position.
There are three position of the page- Top position, Middle position, Bottom position.
How to give space between two lines?
By the help of Line spacing you can give space between two lines.
How to give space between two paragraphs?
By the help of Paragraph spacing you can give space between two paragraphs.
What is the function of Shading?
By the help of it you can apply background color behind the selected text or Table.
How to apply Borders around the paragraph?
First of all, select the required paragraph after that click on symbol of paragraph borders now click on appropriate options; if you want to modify it in this situation click on borders and shading.
Write about the Paragraph?
By the help of it you can give space left or right and before or After of any selected paragraph. By the help of Indentation, you can give space left or right and by the help of spacing you can give space before or after.
How to create new style?
First of all, write some paragraph after that select it after selection change its font and color after that click on bullet of style after that click on create a style and type style name now click on ok.
How to modify it?
First of all, Select the Paragraph after that right click on the created style and click on modify now change its color or font and others from given dialog box after that click on ok.
How to delete it?
Right click on the required style and click on remove from Style Gallery.
How to search any word in written text?
By the help of Find option you can search any word from written text.
Click on Find
Type word in Navigation box and get result.
What is the function of Advanced Find?
It is also to help the search any word in Written Text.
Click on Advance Find or Press Ctrl +F
Type required word in Find what box
Now click on find next.
What is the function of Go To?
By the help of it you can go to page from one to another.
What is the function of Replace?
By the help of it you can replace any word in easy way.
What is the function of select all?
By the help of it you can select whole written text at a time.
What is the function of select object?
By the help of it you can select the object.
What is the function of select text with similar formatting?
By the help of it you can select the text which have same quality.
What is the function of selection pane?
By the help of it you can store the drawing object. In the selection pane, you can get hide or show facilities by the help of it you can hide or show object.
★Insert Menu★
Write about cover page.By the help of Cover page, you can crate attractive letter.
How to get Blank Page?
There are three methods to get Blank page in MS Word-
i) Press Ctrl +Enter
ii) Click on Insert/ Bank page
iii) Click on page layout/Breaks and get New page in different methods.
What is the function of Page Break?
By the help of it, you can move down the text into the next page.
How to create Table?
There are three methods to crate table in the page------
- Type +-+ as required time and press enter key.
- By the help of Insert Table you can create Table.
- By the help of draw table, you can create Table.
Note- If you want to modify the table in this situation you shall use design and layout menu to make attractive.
Write about Picture.
By the help of picture option, you can make picture in MS Word.
- Click on Insert /Picture and insert any one picture from storing place.
- When you Insert picture; Format menu will have activated, now by the help of this menu you can make picture very easily.
Write about Online pictures.
By the help of it, you can insert any image through Internet.
Write about shapes.
By the help of Shapes option, you can insert many types of Shape. There are two types of shapes First, Readymade second, you can draw the shape as per required.
Properties of shapes-
- In the shape, you can write any text
- You can change the text direction
- You can fill it appropriate color, picture, Gradient, Texture and pattern.
- You can change the outline color and width.
- You can change the shape by change shape option.
- You can move it from one place to another.
Write about SmartArt.
By the help of SmartArt, you can make Family Structure and you can do other works as per required.
Write about Screenshot.
By the help of it you can quickly add a snapshot of any window that’s open on your desktop to your document.
What is the function of Hyperlink?
By the help of Hyperlink, you can join the link from another file to current file.
- Open any old file
- Place the cursor at the bottom of written text
- Click on insert/Hyperlink
- Choose another file from the list
- Click on ok.
- Now pressing down Ctrl+ click on the symbol
- Select the required text and copy it
- Close another file and paste it in the current file at cursor position.
What is the function of Bookmark?
Bookmark is the storing place in which you can store selected paragraph.
First of all, select the paragraph
Click on Bookmark
Type any name and click on Add.
What is the function of Cross- Reference?
Cross Reference refer to specific places in which stores different types of matter which is present in your document, such as- headings, Bookmark, Figures and tables.
What is the function of Comment?
Comment is very important part of document in which you can add a note about this part of the document.
What is the function of header?
Headers help you to repeat content at the top of every page.
What is the function of Footer?
Footers help you to repeat content at the bottom of every page.
What is the function of Page Number?
By the help of it you can insert page No. at the cursor position.
Write about text box?
By the help of it you can drag the area and write something in it.
Property of Text box: -
- In it you can write some text.
- In it you can fill required color,picture, Gradient,Texture and pattern.
- In it you can fill its outline color.
- In it you can change the text direction.
- By pressing left button of mouse, you can move it from one place to another.
Write about WordArt?
By the help of it you can write any text very attractively.
What is Drop Cap?
By the help of it you can create a large Capital letter at the beginning
of a paragraph.
How to insert Date & Time?
First of all, place the cursor and click on Date & Time option after that
you will get a chart in this chart choose any one from the given list and click on ok.
How to insert another package into current package?
By the help of object, you can insert another package into the current
- Place the cursor
- Click on insert/object
- Get a chart
- Choose any another package
- Click on ok.
- Now do some work in another package and click on outside of the page.
How to insert text or object from another file into current file?
By the help of Text from file, you can insert text or object from another
file into current file.
- Open any old file
- Place the cursor at the required position
- Click on insert/Text from file
- Choose any one file
- Click on insert
What is the function of Equation?
By the help of Equation, you can create mathematical equation in easy
What is the function of Symbol?
There are two works of Symbol-
First- you can insert symbol at the cursor position
Second- you can insert Hindi character at the cursor position.
★Design Menu★
What is the function of Watermark?
By the help of Watermark, you can apply image or Text Watermark
behind the text.
- Write some text
- Click on Watermark/Custom watermark
- If you apply image in this situation click on Picture Watermark and choose any one picture from drive and click apply/Ok and if you apply text watermark, click on Text watermark now type some text as per required now click on apply/Ok.
How to insert image in the text which is appear with the help of watermark.
First of all, click on design/Watermark now click on Custom Watermark, activate the text watermark and write some text in it and click on ok. If you want to insert image in this watermark in this situation activate the Header & Footer, select the watermark text and fill it with another color or image.
Write about Page Color.
Page color is helpful to apply color, Gradient, Texture, Pattern or Image on the page.
What is the function of Page Borders?
By the help of page Borders, you can apply borders around the page.
★Layout Menu★
How to adjust Margins?
First of click on Margin/ Custom Margins after that adjust the Top,Bottom, Left and Right margins of page and click on ok. Always you know Header and Footer is the half of Top and Bottom margin.
Write about Orientation.
There are two types of Orientation; First- Portrait and Second- Landscape.
What is the size of page?
Generally, Page size is A4.
How to devide page in two or more parts?
By the help of Columns, you can devide the page in two or more parts, if you want to give line between two columns in this condition click on columns/More columns now activate the line between.
What is the function of Breaks?
By the help of it, you can Add a break at your current location to have your text pick up again at the next page, section or column.
What is the function of Line Numbers?
By the help of it, you can reference specific lines in your document quickly and easily using line number in the margin.
Write about Hyphenation.
When a work runs out of room, Word normally moves it down to the next line, when you turn on Hyphenation work hyphenates it instead.
Write about Paragraph.
By the help of Paragraph, you can give space Left and Right through Indent and give space Before and After through Spacing.
What is function of Position?
By the help of it, you can choose the place where the selected object will appear on the page.
Write about Wrap Text.
By the help of it, you can choose how your text wraps around the selected object.
What is the function of Bring Forward?
By the help of it, you can bring the selected object forward one lavel.
What is the function of Bring to Front?
By the help of it, you can bring the selected object in front of all other objects.
What is the function of Bring in front of Text?
By the help of it, you can bring the selected object in front of Text.
What is the function of Send Backward?
By the help of it, you can send the selected object back one level.
What is the function of Send to Back?
By the help of it, you can send the selected object behind all other objects.
What is the function of Send behind text?
By the help of it, you can send the selected object behind the text.
What is the function of Selection Pane?
Selection Pane is a place in which you can store list of objects by the help of it you can do some works as-Hide or Unhide, through it you can select any object easily and through it you can change their order.
What is the function of Align?
By the help of Align you can change the placement of your selected object on the page.
What is the function of Group?
By the help of Group, you can join objects together to move from one place to another.
What is the function of Ungroup?
By the help of Ungroup, you can break the connection between grouped object.
What is the function of Rotate?
By the help of it, you can Rotate the selected object as per required.
What is the function of Insert Footnote?
By the help of it you can Add a note at the bottom of the page providing more info about something in your document. If you want to delete it, place the cursor before footnote and press delete button.
What is the function of Insert Endnote?
By the help of it you can Add a note at the End of the Document providing more info about something in your document.
What is the function of Insert Caption?
By the help of it you can insert the Figure no. below the Image.
Write about Orientation.
There are two types of Orientation; First- Portrait and Second- Landscape.
What is the size of page?
Generally, Page size is A4.
How to devide page in two or more parts?
By the help of Columns, you can devide the page in two or more parts, if you want to give line between two columns in this condition click on columns/More columns now activate the line between.
What is the function of Breaks?
By the help of it, you can Add a break at your current location to have your text pick up again at the next page, section or column.
What is the function of Line Numbers?
By the help of it, you can reference specific lines in your document quickly and easily using line number in the margin.
Write about Hyphenation.
When a work runs out of room, Word normally moves it down to the next line, when you turn on Hyphenation work hyphenates it instead.
Write about Paragraph.
By the help of Paragraph, you can give space Left and Right through Indent and give space Before and After through Spacing.
What is function of Position?
By the help of it, you can choose the place where the selected object will appear on the page.
Write about Wrap Text.
By the help of it, you can choose how your text wraps around the selected object.
What is the function of Bring Forward?
By the help of it, you can bring the selected object forward one lavel.
What is the function of Bring to Front?
By the help of it, you can bring the selected object in front of all other objects.
What is the function of Bring in front of Text?
By the help of it, you can bring the selected object in front of Text.
What is the function of Send Backward?
By the help of it, you can send the selected object back one level.
What is the function of Send to Back?
By the help of it, you can send the selected object behind all other objects.
What is the function of Send behind text?
By the help of it, you can send the selected object behind the text.
What is the function of Selection Pane?
Selection Pane is a place in which you can store list of objects by the help of it you can do some works as-Hide or Unhide, through it you can select any object easily and through it you can change their order.
What is the function of Align?
By the help of Align you can change the placement of your selected object on the page.
What is the function of Group?
By the help of Group, you can join objects together to move from one place to another.
What is the function of Ungroup?
By the help of Ungroup, you can break the connection between grouped object.
What is the function of Rotate?
By the help of it, you can Rotate the selected object as per required.
What is the function of Insert Footnote?
By the help of it you can Add a note at the bottom of the page providing more info about something in your document. If you want to delete it, place the cursor before footnote and press delete button.
What is the function of Insert Endnote?
By the help of it you can Add a note at the End of the Document providing more info about something in your document.
What is the function of Insert Caption?
By the help of it you can insert the Figure no. below the Image.
Insert any image and select it.
Click on Insert Caption and click on ok.
Write about Mail Merge
Insert any image and select it.
Click on Insert Caption and click on ok.
Write about Mail Merge
Mailings Menu
Write about Mail Merge.
By the help of it you can send any information by Online of Offline
Process: -
- First of all, create Format
- Click on Mailing/ Start Mail Merge/step by step Mail Merge Wizard.
- Click on two times Next/Type a new list/ Create/Customize Columns/Delete all Fields Name or Rename field as per required or Add New Field and click on Ok.
- Now fill appropriate information and click on ok/Type file name and click on Save.
- After saving get a chart in this chart you will get some information now use it as per required/Ok.
- Click on Insert Merge Field and Click on One by One field and insert it at cursor position.
- Click on Preview results now one by one get Added name by clicking next or previous record.
Review Menu
How to check spelling in Ms Word?
There are four methods to check spelling –
Click on Spelling and Grammar and choose appropriate suggestion
and click on change.
Press F7 and choose appropriate suggestion and click on change.
Press Alt +F7 and choose right word and click on it.
Right click on Wrong word and click on appropriate suggestion.
How to Search the Synonyms or Antonyms of any word?
Write a Word
Select it
Click on Thesaurus
Now right click on the required word and click on insert.
What is the function of Word Count?
By the help of it you can get the whole information about selected
No. of Pages
No. of Words
No. of Characters with space
No. of Characters without space
No. of Paragraphs
No. of Lines
How to translate English word into Hindi?
First of all write some word
Select it
Click on Translate/Translate selected text
If you want to Insert Hindi word at cursor position in this
situation click on insert option.
How to insert Comment?
First of all place the cursor after that click on new comment and write
some message in it.
Note- If you want to get next Comment click on next option and if you
want to get previous comments click on previous option and if you want to delete comments click on Delete option.
Write about Track Changes.
By the help of it you can change document from Normal to Abnormal
Note – If you click on Accept in this situation Document change to
Normal Mode. If you click on Reject in this situation written text will have removed which has written after track change.
How to lock any Document?
Open any old file
Click on Restrict Editing
Activate two options- Limit Formatting to a selection of styles,Allow only this type of editing in the document
Click on Yes, Start Enforcing Protection and type password two times and click on ok
View Menu
Write about Read Mode.
By the help of it you can get the best way to read a document including
some tools designed for reading instead of writing.
Write about Print layout.
By the help of it you can check out how your document will look when
it’s printed.
Write about Web Layout.
By the help of it you can see how your document would look as a
Write about Outline.
By the help of it you can see your document in outline from where content is shown as bulleted point.
Write about Draft.
By the help of it you can switch your view to see just the text in your
Write about Ruler.
By the help of it you can see and set tab stops, move table borders and
line up objects in the document.
Write about Gridlines.
The gridlines make it easy for you to align objects with other objects or
a particular spot on the page.
Write about Navigation Pane.
It is like a tour guide for your document.
Write about Zoom.
By the help of it you can Zoom to the level that is right for you.
One page- Zoom the document so you can see the entire page in the
Multiple Pages- Zoom the document so you can see multiple pages in
the window.
Page Width–Zoom the document so that the width of the page matches
the width of the window.
Write about New Window.
By the help of it you can open a second window for your document so you can work in different places at the same time.
Write about Arrange All.
By the help of it you can stack your open windows so you can see all of
them at once.
Write about Split.
By the help of it you can see two sections of your document at the same
Write about View Slide by slide.
By the help of it you can compare the two documents in easy way.
Write about Synchronous Scrolling.
By the help of it you can compare the documents line by line.
Write about Reset Window Position.
By the help of it you can place the documents you are comparing side by side so they share the screen equally.
Write about Switch Windows.
By the help of it you can switch to another window.
Write about Macros.
By the help of it you can record the written text without saving.
✍️By.....Rajesh Kumar Yadav
📞Phone:- 7479764720
Bahut achha rajesh ji
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